Hotel Indigo Verona - Grand Hotel Des Arts
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Romeo & Juliet

If you come to Verona, we advise you to plan a pilgrimage to the most iconic places of “Romeo and Juliet’s” myth: start from the two lover’s houses and then take the time to visit Juliet’s tomb (that, though not containing her mortal remains, doesn’t cease to exert its charm on visitors of every age and nationality), you won’t regret it!

Romeo’s House is located near the Arche Scaligere (a Gothic funerary monument that houses the mortal remains of the most illustrious exponents of the Della Scala family). Since is now privately owned, its interiors remain closed to the public, but this charming medieval building’s exteriors are still worth a look.

(Visited 405 times, 1 visits today)

Juliet's House

on the other hand, it is located a few steps from Piazza delle Erbe and hosts a museum. Also a charming and exquisitely well preserved medieval building, it is mainly famous for Juliet's wall, the bronze statue of Juliet and the balcony, commonly identified as the one where the famous scene "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" took place… or should have.

Juliet's tomb

is a favorite destination for young married couples, who love being portrayed in its vicinity, and part of a small complex that includes the Museum of frescoes G.B. Cavalcaselle and the Church of S. Francesco. We warmly recommend a visit: both locations exhibit valuable works, paintings and objects of rare craftsmanship that are certainly worth a thorough inspection.

Juliet’s Statue
You can pay a visit to the statue of Juliet, a bronze work by the Veronese sculptor Nereo Costantini, in the bright courtyard that gives access to the House-museum. Apart from being one of the tourists’ favorites, the statue is an object of a curious popular tradition: as an eternal symbol of "true love", it seems that touching her right breast could bring luck in someone’s love life. Yet perhaps, out of respect for the poor thing, it is better not to stretch your hands too much... before the good luck turns into a very bad one!

Hotel Indigo Verona - Grand Hotel Des Arts

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